Evaluation of relation between vitamin D serum level and community acquired pneumonia in children between 1 to 60 months
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Background: Community-acquired pneumonia is the leading cause of hospitalization and death in children under five, particularly in developing countries. Low UV B exposure during winter can decrease serum vitamin D levels, which is a defense factor against microbial agents. This study aims to investigate the relationship between serum vitamin D levels and community-acquired pneumonia in children at Motahari Hospital in Urmia, despite the limited number of studies in this field. The findings could help improve the management of pneumonia in children.
Methods: In the present study, 45 children admitted to Motahhari Hospital in Urmia with a diagnosis of pneumonia and 45 children without respiratory symptoms referred to health centers have been performed as evidence.
Results: The mean of vitamin D in the case group was 31.28 ± 24.28 and less than the control group (34.43 ± 25.65), but no statistically significant difference was observed. Vitamin D deficiency is common in both groups. Community-based interventions for vitamin D deficiency appear necessary.
Conclusion: Various studies have shown several effects of vitamin D on health. The results of this study showed that vitamin D deficiency is common in both groups under study and of course in the case group this deficiency is more than it is recommended to take preventive interventions.
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