Evaluation the Prevalence of Giardiasis and associated factors in Wardak province, center of Afghanistan

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Misbahullah Asad
Muhammad Younis Noori
Ahmad Jamshid Mehrpoor


Background: G. intestinalis is causative of gastrointestinal infections worldwide. Contaminated food, feces, drinking water (orofecal route) and factors like economic condition, culture and behavioral factors have been involved in their transmission. Wardak province located in the central region of Afghanistan. It is divided into eight districts and has a population of

Methods: A total of 274 patients with diarrhea referred to Wardak hospital and out of them 17 individual (10(58.8%) male and 7(41.2%) female) detected positive for Giardia spp. by microscopy during 2023. In this cross-sectional study, socioeconomic, cultural and symptomatology information were collected. The association between the risk factors and intestinal parasitic infections was analyzed by Chi-Square and fishes exact tests using the SPSS 26 software and Graph pad prism 8 at a significance level of P ≤ 0.05.

Results: More than half of the patients were under 30 years old. Most cases of the disease were seen in hot seasons (spring and summer). Significant correlation was observed between the prevalence of giardiasis with close contact with animals, use of unfiltered water, soil contact, Warmer seasons and no significant correlation on economic status, and travel history. 85% of patients had watery diarrhea and 15% of patients had bloody diarrhea.

Conclusion: This was the first epidemiological study conducted in Wardak province, center of Afghanistan. The findings revealed a pressure of giardiasis, and its interactions with multiple risk factors were investigated. This study suggested that giardiasis is important causative factor of gastrointestinal diseases in the study region.

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How to Cite
Asad, M., Noori, M. Y., & Mehrpoor, A. J. (2024). Evaluation the Prevalence of Giardiasis and associated factors in Wardak province, center of Afghanistan. Afghanistan Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2(2), 51–56. https://doi.org/10.60141/AJID/V.2.I.2/7
Research Article


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